- addi
Malviya-Thakur, Audris Mockus, Russel Zaretzki, Bogdan Bichescu, and Randy
How r developers explain their package
choice: A survey.
In International Conference on Empirical Software Engineering,
October 2023.
- Audris Mockus.
Msr foundational contribution award.
In International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May
- Audris Mockus.
Securing large language model software supply
chains, September 13 2023.
ASE'23 LLMs in Software Engineering.
- Audris Mockus,
Alexander Nolte, and James Herbsleb.
Msr mining challenge: World of code.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mining Software
Repositories (MSR 2023), 2023.
- Audris Mockus,
Peter C. Rigby, Rui Abreu, Parth Suresh, Yifen Chen, and Nachiappan Nagappan.
Modeling the
centrality of developer output with software supply chains.
In ESEC/FSE 2023, December 2023.
- Anna-Maria Nau, Audris Mockus,
and Dawnie Wolfe Steadman.
Stage of decay estimation
exploiting exogenous and endogenous image attributes to minimize manual
labeling efforts and maximize classification performance.
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
October 2023.
- Anna-Maria Nau, Sara
Mousavi, Dylan Lee, Rayhan Hossain, Tatianna Griffin, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman,
and Audris Mockus.
Icputrd: Image cloud platform for use in tagging and research on decomposition.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2023.
- David Reid.
Applying the Universal Version History
Concept to Help De-Risk Copy-Based Code Reuse.
PhD thesis, 2023.
- David Reid and Audris
Applying the universal version history concept
to help de-risk copy-based code reuse.
In 23rd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and
Manipulation (SCAM), October 2023.
- Kai Gao, Zhixing Wang, Audris
Mockus, and Minghui Zhou.
On the variability of software engineering needs
for deep learning: Stages, trends, and application types.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022.
ISSN: 0098-5589 DOI:10.1109/TSE.2022.3163576.
- Ahmed Samir Imam
Mahmoud, Tapajit Dey, Alexander Nolte, Audris Mockus, and James D Herbsleb.
One-off events? an empirical study of hackathon code creation and reuse.
Empirical Software Engineering, 2022.
- Audris Mockus.
Tutorial: Open source software supply
In India Software Engineering Conference, 2022.
- David Reid, Mahmoud Janshani,
and Audris Mockus.
The extent of orphan vulnerabilities from code
reuse in open source softwar.
In ICSE 2022. ACM Press, May 2022.
- Adam Tutko,
Austin Z Henley, and Audris Mockus.
How are software repositories mined? a systematic literature review of
workflows, methodologies, reproducibility, and tools.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.08108, 2022.
- Tapajit Dey, Andrey Karnauch, and
Audris Mockus.
Representation of developer expertise in
opensource software.
In ICSE 2021. ACM Press, May 2021.
- Ahmed Imam, Tapajit
Dey, Alexander Nolte, Audris Mockus, and James D Herbsleb.
The secret life of hackathon code where does it come from and where does it go?
In 2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software
Repositories (MSR), pages 68-79. IEEE, 2021.
- Audris Mockus.
World of code: Enabling a research workflow for
mining and analyzing the universe of open source vcs data, December 3
DAMSS'21 Keynote.
- Sara Mousavi.
Auto-curation of Large Evolving
Image Datasets.
PhD thesis, 2021.
- Sara Mousavi, Dylan Lee,
Tatianna Griffin, Kelley Cross, Dawnie Steadman, and Audris Mockus.
Schism: Semantic clustering via
image sequence merging for images of human-decomposition.
In WACV'21 Proceedings, January 2021.
- Peter C. Rigby
Andrey Krutauz, Tapajit Dey and Audris Mockus.
Do code review measures explain
the incidence of post-release defects?.
International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering,
25:3323-3356, 2020.
- Randy V. Bradley, Audris
Mockus, Yuxing Ma, and Russell Zaretzkiand Bogdan C. Bichescu.
Coordinating interdependencies in an open
source software project: A replication of lindberg, et al.
AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 2020.
DOI: 10.17705/1atrr.00057.
- Tapajit Dey.
Modeling User-affected Software
Properties for Open Source Software Supply Chains.
PhD thesis, 2020.
- Tapajit Dey and Audris
Deriving a usage-independent software quality
International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering,
25:1596–1641, 2020.
- Tapajit Dey and Audris
Effect of technical and social factors on pull
request quality for the npm ecosystem.
In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical
software engineering and measurement, October 2020.
- Tapajit Dey, Sara Mousavi,
Eduardo Ponce, Tanner Fry, Bogdan Vasilescu, Anna Filippova, and Audris
Detecting and characterizing bots
that commit code.
In IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May
- Tanner Fry, Tapajit Dey,
Andrey Karnauch, and Audris Mockus.
A dataset and an approach for
identity resolution of 38 million author ids extracted from 2b git
In IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories: Data
Showcase, May 2020.
- Andrey Krutauz, Tapajit Dey,
Peter Rigby, and Audris Mockus.
Do code review measures explain the incidence
of post-release defects? case study replications and bayesian networks.
In ESEC/FSE'20 Journal First Track, November 2020.
- Yuxing Ma.
Software Supply Chain (SSC)
Development and Application.
PhD thesis, 2020.
- Yuxing Ma, Tapajit Dey,
Chris Bogart, Sadika Amreen, Marat Valiev, Adam Tutko, David Kennard, Russell
Zaretzki, and Audris Mockus.
World of code: Enabling a research workflow for
mining and analyzing the universe of open source vcs data.
International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 2020.
- Yuxing Ma, Audris
Mockus, Russell Zaretzki, Bogdan Bichescu, and Randy Bradley.
A methodology for analyzing uptake of
softwaretechnologies among developers.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2020.
- Audris Mockus, Diomidis
Spinellis, Zoe Kotti, and Gabriel John Dusing.
A complete set of related git
repositories identified via community detection approaches based on shared
In IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories: Data
Showcase, May 2020.
- Sara Mousavi, Dylan Lee,
Tatianna Griffin, Dawnie Steadman, and Audris Mockus.
An analytical workflow for
clustering forensic images.
- Sara Mousavi, Dylan Lee,
Tatianna Griffin, Dawnie Steadman, and Audris Mockus.
Collaborative learning of semi-supervised
clustering and classification for labeling uncurated data.
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
October 2020.
- Sadika Amreen.
Methods of Disambiguating
andDe-anonymizing Authorship in LargeScale Operational Data.
PhD thesis, 2019.
- Sadika Amreen, Bogdan
Bichescu, Randy Bradley, Tapajit Dey, Yuxing Ma, Audris Mockus, Sara Mousavi,
and Russell Zaretzki.
A methodology for measuring floss ecosystems.
In Towards Engineering Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Ecosystems
for Impact and Sustainability: Communications of NII Shonan Meetings.
Springer, 2019.
- Sadika Amreen, Yuxia Zang,
Chris Bogart, Russell Zaretzki, and Audris Mockus.
Alfaa: Active learning fingerprint based
anti-aliasing for correcting developer identity errors in version control
International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 2019.
- Tapajit Dey, Yuxing Ma, and
Audris Mockus.
of effort contribution and demand and user classification based on
participation patterns in npm ecosystem.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Predictive Models
and Data Analytics in Software Engineering. ACM, 2019.
- Andrey Karnauch, Sadika
Amreen, and Audris Mockus.
Developer reputation estimator (dre).
In ASE'19, 2019.
- Yuxing Ma, Chris Bogart, Sadika
Amreen, Russell Zaretzki, and Audris Mockus.
World of code: An infrastructure for mining the
universe of open source vcs data.
In IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 26
- Audris Mockus.
from open source supply chains, August 30 2019.
FSE'19 Industry Keynote.
- Audris Mockus.
Woc tutorial, 2019.
- Sara Mousavi, Angela
Dautart, Audris Mockus, and Dawnie W. Steadman.
Icputrd: Image cloud platform for use in tagging and research on decomposition.
In National Institute of Justice, 2019 Research Symposium. NIJ,
- Sara Mousavi, Angela
Dautart, Audris Mockus, and Dawnie W. Steadman.
Machine learning to detect and localize forensics-relevant features.
MEETING, page 445. AAFS, 2019.
- Sara Mousavi, Ramin Nabati,
Megan Kleeschulte, Dawnie Steadman, and Audris Mockus.
Machine-assisted annotation of forensic
In 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
September 22-25 2019.
- Introduction.
In Towards Engineering Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Ecosystems
for Impact and Sustainability: Communications of NII Shonan Meetings.
- Yuxia Zhang, Minghui Zhou,
Audris Mockus, and Zhi Jin.
Companies participation in oss development
- an empirical study of openstack.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, September 2019.
- Tapajit
Dey and Audris Mockus.
A Matching Based Theoretical Framework for Estimating Probability of
arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1808.04139, Aug 2018.
- Tapajit Dey and
Audris Mockus.
Are software dependency supply
chain metrics useful in predicting change of popularity of npm packages?.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Predictive Models
and Data Analytics in Software Engineering, pages 66-69. ACM,
- Tapajit Dey and
Audris Mockus.
Modeling relationship between
post-release faults and usage in mobile software.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Predictive Models
and Data Analytics in Software Engineering, pages 56-65. ACM,
- Wangcheng Yan, Audris Mockus,
Tiffany B. Saul, and Dawnie W. Steadman.
Curating forensic image collection using machine learning.
MEETING, page 139. AAFS, 2018.
- Bian Fitzgerald, Audris
Mockus, and Minghui Zhou.
engineering free/libre open source software (floss) ecosystems for impact and
sustainability, June 2017.
- Walton Macey, Dali
Wang, Peter Thornton, and Audris Mockus.
Live restructuring of data architecture: Wip.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Software Engineering
for Science, pages 24-25. IEEE Press, 2017.
- Audris Mockus.
Comparative linguistics meta-meta-science and knowledge flows, May 2017.
Panel at International Conference on Global Software Engineering.
- Audris Mockus.
Knowledge flows in open source software supply
chains, Nov 4 2017.
Keynote at the 16th National Software Applicatio Conference.
- Audris Mockus.
Oscar: Open source supply chains:
Asesment and mitigation of risks, 2017.
- Minghui Zhou,
Qingying Chen, Audris Mockus, and Fengguang Wu.
On the scalability of linux
kernel maintainers' work.
In Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software
Engineering, pages 27-37. ACM, 2017.
- Tapajit Dey,
Jacob Logan Massengill, and Audris Mockus.
Analysis of popularity of game
mods: A case study.
In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction
in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, pages 133-139. ACM, 2016.
- Ian Gorton,
Ayse Basar Bener, and Audris Mockus.
Software engineering for big data systems.
IEEE Software, 33(2):32-35, 2016.
- R. Hackbarth, A. Mockus,
J. Palframan, and R. Sethi.
Customer quality improvement of software systems.
Software, IEEE, 33(4):40-45, 2016.
- Randy
Hackbarth, Audris Mockus, John Palframan, and David Weiss.
Assessing the state of software in a large enterprise: A 12-year retrospective.
In The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data, pages 411-451.
Elsevier, 2016.
- Yuxing Ma, Tapajit
Dey, and Audris Mockus.
Modularizing global variable in
climate simulation software: position paper.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering for
Science, pages 8-11. ACM, 2016.
- A Mockus.
Operational data are missing, incorrect, and decontextualized.
In Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering, pages
317-322. Elsevier, 2016.
- Peter C Rigby,
Yue Cai Zhu, Samuel M Donadelli, and Audris Mockus.
Quantifying and mitigating
turnover-induced knowledge loss: case studies of chrome and a project at
In Software Engineering (ICSE), 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International
Conference on, pages 1006-1016. IEEE, 2016.
- Patrick
Tendick and Audris Mockus.
Decisions as a service for
application centric real time analytics.
In 2016 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Big Data Software
Engineering (BIGDSE), pages 1-7. IEEE, 2016.
- Nathan Wilder,
Jared M Smith, and Audris Mockus.
Exploring a framework for
identity and attribute linking across heterogeneous data systems.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on BIG Data Software
Engineering, pages 19-25. ACM, 2016.
- Kazuhiro
Yamashita, Changyun Huang, Meiyappan Nagappan, Yasutaka Kamei, Audris Mockus,
Ahmed E Hassan, and Naoyasu Ubayashi.
Thresholds for size and complexity metrics: A case study from the perspective
of defect density.
In Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), 2016 IEEE
International Conference on, pages 191-201. IEEE, 2016.
- Feng Zhang, Audris
Mockus, Iman Keivanloo, and Ying Zou.
Towards building a universal defect prediction model with rank transformed
International Journal of Empirical Software Engineering,
21(5):2107-2145, 2016.
- Minghui Zhou, Audris
Mockus, Xiujuan Ma, Lu Zhang, and Hong Mei.
Inflow and retention in oss
communities with commercial involvement: A case study of three hybrid
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM),
25(2):13, 2016.
- Jiaxin Zhu,
Minghui Zhou, and Audris Mockus.
Effectiveness of code
contribution: From patch-based to pull-request-based tools.
In Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on
Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 871-882. ACM, 2016.
- Kapil Agrawal, Sadika Amreen,
and Audris Mockus.
Commit quality in five high performance
computing projects.
In The 2015 International Workshop on Software Engineering for High
Performance Computing in Science, May 2015. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Evidence engineering, February 2015.
Keynote at 8th India Software Engineering Conference.
- Audris Mockus, Randy Hackbarth,
and John Palframan.
System and method for prioritizing and remediating defect risk in source code.
Technical Report U.S. Patent 9172809, granted October 27 2015.
- Audris Mockus, Randy
Hackbarth, John Palframan, and Brett Shockley.
System and method for prioritizing customers and predicting service escalation.
Technical Report U.S. Patent 9176729, granted October 27 2015.
- Meiyappan
Nagappan, Romain Robbes, Yasutaka Kamei, Éric Tanter, Shane McIntosh,
Audris Mockus, and Ahmed E Hassan.
An empirical study of goto in c
code from github repositories.
In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software
Engineering, pages 404-414. ACM, 2015.
- Qimu Zheng, Audris Mockus, and
Minghui Zhou.
A method to identify and correct
problematic software activity data: Exploiting capacity constraints and data
In ESEC/FSE'15, Florence, Italy, 2015. ACM.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
Will Stay in the FLOSS Community? Modelling Participant's Initial
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 41(1):82-99, Jan
- Anh Nguyen Duc, Audris Mockus,
Randy Hackbarth, and John Palframan.
Forking and coordination in
multi-platform development: a case study.
In ESEM, Torino, Italy, September 2014.
- Shane McIntosh, Meiyappan
Nagappan, Bram Adams, Audris Mockus, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
A large-scale empirical study
of the relationship between build technology and build maintenance.
Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 2014.
- Shane McIntosh, Martin
Poehlmann, Elmar Juergens, Audris Mockus, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan,
Brigitte Haupt, and Christian Wagner.
Collecting and leveraging a
benchmark of build system clones to aid in quality assessments.
In ICSE'14 Software Engineering In Practice, 2014.
- Audris Mockus.
Defect prediction and software risk, June 30
Promise'14 Keynote/Tutorial.
- Audris Mockus.
Engineering big data
In ICSE'14 FOSE, 2014. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Is mining software repositories data science?, June
30 2014.
Talk at Vilnius University.
- Audris Mockus.
Is mining software repositories data science?,
May 2014.
Keynote at 11th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- Audris Mockus.
Operational data are not experimental data,
June 22-27 2014.
Dagstuhl Seminar 14261: Software Development Analytics.
- Jialiang Xie, Qimu Zhengand,
Minghui Zhou, and Audris Mockus.
Product assignment
In ICSE'14 Demonstrations, 2014.
- Feng Zhang, Audris Mockus,
Iman Keivanloo, and Ying Zou.
Towards building a universal
defect prediction model.
In 11th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories,
May 30-31 2014.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
Mining micro-practices from
operational data.
In The 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering, Hong Kong, November 16-21 2014.
- Jiaxin Zhu, Minghui Zhou, and
Audris Mockus.
The relationship between folder
use and the number of forks: A case study on github repositories.
In ESEM, Torino, Italy, September 2014.
- Kennetth Cox, Stacie
Hibino, Lichan Hong, Audris Mockus, and Graham Wills.
A method for graphically displaying an overview.
Technical Report U.S. Patent 8386920, 2013.
- Yasutaka Kamei, Emad
Shihab, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan, Audris Mockus, Anand Sinha, and Naoyasu
A large-scale
empirical study of just-in-time quality assurance.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2013.
- Audris Mockus.
Law of minor release: More bugs implies better
software quality.
In International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, St
Petersburg, Russia, Aug 18-19 2013.
- Audris Mockus.
The paradox of software quality, November
Distinguished Seminar, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
- Audris Mockus.
Quantifying and conveying risk in software
In 1st Symposium on Mining Software Archives, Monte Verita,
Switzerland, March 10-15 2013.
- Audris Mockus, Randy
Hackbarth, and John Palframan.
Risky files: An approach to focus
quality improvement effort.
In 9th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and
the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering,
2013. Presentation.
- Dag I.K. Sjoberg, Aiko
Yamashita, Bente Anda, Audris Mockus, and Tore Dyba.
the effect of code smells on maintenance effort.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2013.
- David Weiss and Audris
The chunking
In International Workshop on Data Analysis Patterns in Software
Engineering, 2013.
- Jialiang Xie, Minghui Zhou, and
Audris Mockus.
Impact of triage: a study of Mozilla and
In ESEM'13, 2013. Presentation.
- Feng Zhang, Audris Mockus,
Ying Zou, Foutse Khomh, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
How does context affect the distribution of software maintainability metrics?
In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software
Maintenance, ICSM '13, 2013.
- Dag I.K. Sjøberg, Bente
Anda, and Audris Mockus.
Questioning software
maintenance metrics: a comparative case study.
In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical
software engineering and measurement, ESEM'12, pages 107-110, New
York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
What make long term contributors: Willingness
and opportunity in OSS community.
In ICSE 2012, pages 518-528, Zürich, Switzerland, 2012. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus and David
chunks and distributed development.
In Christof Ebert, editor, Global Software and IT: a Guide to Distributed
Development, Projects, and Outsourcing, pages 69-82. Willey, 2011.
- Emad Shihab, Audris Mockus,
Yasutaka Kamei, Bram Adams, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
High-impact defects: a study of
breakage and surprise defects.
In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European
conference on Foundations of software engineering, ESEC/FSE '11, pages
300-310, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM.
- Jialiang Xie, Audris Mockus, and
Minghui Zhou.
Visualizing evolution of software
issue-tracking practices.
In ESEM'11, Banff, Canada, Sep 22-23 2011.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
Does the initial environment
impact the future of developers?.
In ICSE 2011, pages 271-280, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 21-28
- Randy Hackbarth, Audris
Mockus, John Palframan, and David Weiss.
Assessing the state of software in a large enterprise.
Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 10(3):219-249,
- Audris Mockus.
Globalization and the future developer.
In New Frontiers for Empirical Software Engineering, Dagstuhl,
Germany, March, 2010 2010.
Panel: Future of Globally Distributed Software Development.
- Audris Mockus.
Globalization and transfer of ownership.
In International Conference on Global Software Engineering,
Princeton, New Jersey, August 25, 2010 2010.
Panel: Impact of Future Communication Technologies on GSD.
- Audris Mockus.
Measurement in science and software engineering.
In 1st Symposium on Mining Software Archives, Monte Verita,
Switzerland, March 17 2010.
- Audris Mockus.
Measuring distributed software engineering.
In International Conference on Global Software Engineering,
Princeton, New Jersey, August 25, 2010 2010.
- Audris Mockus.
Organizational volatility and its
effects on software defects.
In ACM SIGSOFT / FSE, pages 117-126, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
November 7-11 2010. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Using software changes to understand software
projects, February 2010.
Distinguished Seminar, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
Developer fluency: Achieving true
mastery in software projects.
In ACM SIGSOFT / FSE, pages 137-146, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
November 7-11 2010. Presentation.
- Minghui Zhou and Audris
Growth of newcomer competence:
Challenges of globalization.
In FSE/SDP Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering
Research, pages 442-447, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 7-8 2010. Presentation.
- Bente C.D. Anda, Dag I.K.
Sjøberg, and Audris Mockus.
Variability and reproducibility in software engineering: A study of four
companies that developed the same system.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35(3), May/June
- Marcelo Cataldo, Audris
Mockus, Jeffrey A. Roberts, and James D. Herbsleb.
Software dependencies, the structure of work
dependencies and their impact on failures.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2009.
- Audris Mockus.
Amassing and indexing a large sample of version
control systems: towards the census of public source code history.
In 6th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories,
May 16-17 2009. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Organizational volatility and developer
In ICSE Workshop on Socio-Technical Congruence, Vancouver, Canada,
May 19 2009.
- Audris Mockus.
Succession: Measuring transfer of code and
developer productivity.
In 2009 International Conference on Software Engineering,
Vancouver, CA, May 12-22 2009. ACM Press. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Towards understanding of software changes, 2009.
Peking University, Beijing.
- Audris Mockus.
Using software changes to understand software
projects, 2009.
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
- Audris Mockus, Nachiappan
Nagappan, and T Dinh-Trong, Trung.
Test coverage and post-verification defects: A
multiple case study.
In International Conference on Empirical Software Engineering and
Measurement, Lake Buena Vista, Florida USA, October 2009. ACM. Presentation.
- Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus, and
David Weiss.
Learning in offshored and legacy software
projects: How product structure shapes organization.
In ICSE Workshop on Socio-Technical Congruence, Vancouver, Canada,
May 19 2009. Presentation.
- Hung-Fu Chang and Audris
Evaluation of source code copy
detection methods on FreeBSD.
In 5th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. ACM
Press, May 10-11 2008. Presentation.
- James Herbsleb, Marcelo
Cataldo, Daniela Damian, Premkumar Devanbu, Steve Easterbrook, and Audris
Socio-technical congruence (STC 2008).
In ICSE Companion '08: Companion of the 30th international conference on
Software engineering, pages 1027-1028, New York, NY, USA, 2008.
- James Herbsleb, Marcelo
Cataldo, Daniela Damian, Premkumar Devenbu, Steve Easterbrook, and Audris
Socio-technical congruence (stc
In Companion of the 30th international conference on Software
engineering, 2008.
- Audris Mockus.
Domain-specific defect models.
In International Workshop on Defects in Large Software System,
Seattle, WA, July 20 2008.
- Audris Mockus.
Faces of software quality, 2008.
Microsoft Research, Redmond.
- Audris Mockus.
Large scale reuse in open source software, 2008.
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius.
- Audris Mockus.
Large scale reuse in open source software, 2008.
Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas.
- Audris Mockus.
Missing data in software engineering.
In J. Singer et al., editor, Guide to Advanced Empirical Software
Engineering, pages 185-200. Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- Audris Mockus.
Succession: Measuring transfer of code and
developer productivity.
Technical report, Avaya Labs research, 2008.
- Audris Mockus.
Transfer of code ownership, implicit teams, and
organizational tomography.
Technical Report ALR-2008-010, CID 135147, Avaya Labs research, 2008.
- Audris Mockus and David
Weiss.Interval quality: Relating
customer-perceived quality to process quality.
ACM link.
In 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
733-740, Leipzig, Germany, May 10-18 2008. ACM Press. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Large-scale code reuse in open source
In ICSE'07 Intl. Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and
Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 21 2007. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
Software support tools and experimental work.
In V Basili and et al, editors, Empirical Software Engineering Issues:
Critical Assessments and Future Directions, volume LNCS 4336, pages
91-99. Springer, 2007.
- D. L. Atkins, A. Mockus, and
H. P. Siy.
Value based software engineering.
chapter Quantifying the Value of New Technologies for Software Development,
pages 327-344. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
- Hung-Fu Chang and Audris
Constructing universal version
In ICSE'06 Workshop on Mining Software Repositories, pages 76-79,
Shanghai, China, May 22-23 2006.
- Sunghun Kim, Thomas Zimmermann,
Miryung Kim, Ahmed E. Hassan, Audris Mockus, Tudor Gîrba, Martin Pinzger,
E. James Whitehead Jr., and Andreas Zeller.
Ta-re: an exchange language for
mining software repositories.
In ICSE'06 Workshop on Mining Software Repositories, pages 22-25,
Shanghai, China, May 22-23 2006.
- Audris Mockus.
Empirical estimates of software
availability of deployed systems.
In 2006 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering,
pages 222-231, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 21-22 2006. ACM Press. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus.
How to run empirical
studies using project repositories.
4th International Advanced School of Empirical Software Engineering, September
20, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2006.
- Audris Mockus and David
Industrial strength software measurement, 2006.
Peking University, Beijing.
- Birgit Geppert, Audris
Mockus, and Frank Rößler.
Refactoring for changeability: A way to
In Metrics 2005: 11th International Symposium on Software Metrics,
Como, September 2005. IEEE CS Press. Presentation.
- Ahmed E. Hassan, Richard C.
Holt, and Audris Mockus.
Report on MSR 2004:
International workshop on mining software repositories.
In ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 2005.
- Audris Mockus.
Software changes and software engineering.
In Multi-Version Program Analysis. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 26
June 2005.
- Audris Mockus and David
Software changes and software engineering,
Brooklyn Poly, Brooklyn, NY.
- Audris Mockus, Roy T.
Fielding, and James Herbsleb.
Two case
studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla.
In J Feller and et al, editors, Perspectives on Free and Open Source
Software, pages 163--210. MIT Press, 2005.
- Audris Mockus, Ping Zhang,
and Paul Li.
Drivers for customer perceived
software quality.
In ICSE 2005, pages 225-233, St Louis, Missouri, May 2005. ACM
- Audris Mockus.
Effects of distributed software development and
virtual teams, 2004.
University of Victoria, Victoria.
- Audris Mockus.
Effects of distributed software development and
virtual teams, 2004.
Simula Labs, Oslo.
- Daniel German and Audris
Automating the measurement of open source
In ICSE '03 Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, page
Automating the Measurement of Open Source Projects, Portland, Oregon, May
3-10 2003. Presentation.
- J. D. Herbsleb and
A. Mockus.
An empirical study of speed and communication in
globally-distributed software development.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(6):481-494, June
- James Herbsleb and
Audris Mockus.
Formulation and preliminary test
of an empirical theory of coordination in software engineering.
In 2003 International Conference on Foundations of Software
Engineering, Helsinki, Finland, October 2003. ACM Press.
- Audris Mockus.
Analogy based prediction of work item flow in software
projects: a case study.
In 2003 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering,
pages 110-119, Rome, Italy, October 2003. ACM Press. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus, David M. Weiss,
and Ping Zhang.
Understanding and predicting effort in software
In 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
274-284, Portland, Oregon, May 3-10 2003. ACM Press. Presentation.
- D. Atkins, T. Ball,
T. Graves, and A. Mockus.
Using version control data to evaluate the impact
of software tools: A case study of the version editor.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(7):625-637, July
- S.G. Eick, T.L. Graves, A.F. Karr,
A. Mockus, and P. Shuster.
Visualizing software changes.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(4):396-412, April
- Stacie Hibino and Audris
handiMessenger: Awareness-enhanced universal
communication for mobile users.
In Fabio Paternò, editor, Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, 4th
International Symposium, Mobile HCI 2002, Pisa, Italy, September 18-20, 2002,
Proceedings, volume 2411 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 170-183, Pisa, Italy, September, 18-20 2002.
- Audris Mockus.
Analysis of software changes, 2002.
University of Maryland, College Park.
- Audris Mockus.
Measurement in software projects: taking advantage
of version control repositories.
In International Software Engineering Network, 2002, Nara, Japan,
October 2002.
- Audris Mockus.
Software changes: from insights to solutions,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
- Audris Mockus and James
Expertise browser: A quantitative
approach to identifying expertise.
In 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
503-512, Orlando, Florida, May 19-25 2002. ACM Press. Presentation.
- Audris Mockus and James
Why not improve coordination in distributed
software development by stealing good ideas from open source.
In ICSE '02 Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, pages
35-37, Orlando, FL, May 2002.
- Audris Mockus, Roy T.
Fielding, and James Herbsleb.
Two case studies of open source
software development: Apache and Mozilla.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,
11(3):1-38, July 2002.
- Stephen G. Eick, Todd L.
Graves, Alan F. Karr, J. S. Marron, and Audris Mockus.
Does code decay? assessing the evidence from change
management data.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(1):1-12, 2001.
- J. A. Espinosa, R.E.
Kraut, S. A. Slaughter, J. F. Lerch, J. D. Herbsleb, and A. Mockus.
Shared mental models, familiarity, and
coordination: A multi-method study of distributed software teams.
In Proc. International Conference in Information Systems, pages
513-518, Barcelona, Spain, December 15-18 2001.
- T. Graves and A. Mockus.
Identifying productivity drivers by modeling work units
using partial data.
Technometrics, 43(2):168-179, May 2001.
- James D. Herbsleb, Audris
Mockus, Thomas A. Finholt, and Rebecca E. Grinter.
An empirical study of global software development:
Distance and speed.
In 23nd International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
81-90, Toronto, Canada, May 12-19 2001.
- Audris Mockus.
Expertise browser.
In Joint Statistical Meetings, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, August 5-9
- A Mockus and JD Herbsleb.
Challenges of global software development.
In Metrics 2001: Seventh International Symposium on Software
Metrics, pages 182-184, London, England, April 4-6 2001.
- Audris Mockus and David M.
Globalization by chunking: a quantitative
IEEE Software, 18(2):30-37, March 2001.
- HP Siy, A Mockus, JD Herbsleb,
M Krishnan, and GT Tucker.
Making the software factory work: Lessons from a
decade of experience.
In Metrics 2001: Seventh International Symposium on Software
Metrics, pages 317-327, London, England, April 4-6 2001.
- M Ardis, KC Cox, SL Hibino,
L Hong, A Mockus, and GJ Wills.
Building information visualizations: A commonality analysis.
Technical report, Lucent Technologies, 2000.
- D. Atkins, A. Mockus, and
H. Siy.
Measuring technology effects on software change
Bell Labs Technical Journal, 5(2):7-18, April-June 2000.
- KC Cox, SL Hibino, L Hong,
A Mockus, and GJ Wills.
A method for graphically displaying an overview of multiple database tables.
Technical Report 10009677-991208-07TM, Lucent Technologies, 2000.
- James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus, Thomas A. Finholt, and Rebecca E. Grinter.
Distance, dependencies, and delay
in a global collaboration.
In ACM 2000 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work,
pages 319-328, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, December 2-6 2000. ACM, ACM
- JD Herbsleb, M Krishnan,
A Mockus, HP Siy, and GT Tucker.
Making the software factory work: Lessons from a decade of experience.
Technical Report 10009677-000404-02TM, Lucent Technologies, 2000.
- S.L. Hibino, T. Graves, and
A. Mockus.
A web based approach to interactive
visualization in context.
In Advanced Visual Interfaces, pages 181-188, Palermo, Italy, May
23-26 2000.
- Audris Mockus and
Lawrence G. Votta.
Identifying reasons for software change using historic
In International Conference on Software Maintenance, pages
120-130, San Jose, California, October 11-14 2000.
- A Mockus and DM Weiss.
Globalization by chunking: A quantitative approach.
Technical Report 10009677-000727-03TM, Lucent Technologies, 2000.
- Audris Mockus and David M.
Predicting risk of software changes.
Bell Labs Technical Journal, 5(2):169-180, April-June 2000.
- A. Mockus, R. F. Fielding,
and J. Herbsleb.
A case study of open source
development: The Apache server.
In 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
263-272, Limerick, Ireland, June 4-11 2000.
- A Mockus, H Siy, T Sundresh,
J Chen, and TL Graves.
Role of change size, complexity, and developer expertise in predicting the
quality of a software update.
Technical Report 10009677-000324-01TM, Lucent Technologies, 2000.
- D. Atkins, T. Ball,
T. Graves, and A. Mockus.
Using version control data to evaluate the effectiveness of
software tools.
In 1999 International Conference on Software Engineering, pages
324-333. ACM Press, May 16-22 1999.
- K.C. Cox, S.L. Hibino, L. Hong,
A. Mockus, and G.J. Wills.
Infostill: A task-oriented framework for analyzing data through information
In Proc. IEEE Information Visualization Late Breaking Hot Topics,
pages 19-22, San Francisco, CA, October 1999.
- W.F Eddy, M. Fitzgerald,
C. Genovese, N. Lazar, A. Mockus, and Welling J.
The challenge of functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 8(3):545-558,
September 1999.
- S Eick, P Schuster, A Mockus,
T Graves, and A Karr.
Visualizing software changes.
Technical Report BL0113590-990827-13TM, Lucent Technologies, 1999.
- Audris Mockus.
Analysis of software evolution data.
In Joint Statistical Meetings, 1999. Abstracts, page 121,
Baltimore, Maryland, August 8-14 1999.
- A Mockus and T Graves.
Identifying productivity drivers by modeling work units using partial data.
Technical Report BL0113590-990513-09TM, Lucent Technologies, 1999.
- A. Mockus, S. G. Eick,
T. L. Graves, and A. F. Karr.
On measurement and analysis of software changes.
Technical Report BL0113590-990401-06TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies,
- J. Mockus, A. Mockus, and
L. Mockus.
Bayesian approach for randomization of heuristic algorithms in discrete
In Panos Pardalos, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, and Jose Rolim, editors,
DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer
science, volume 43, pages 161-177. American Mathematical Society,
- Harvey Siy and Audris Mockus.
Measuring domain engineering effects on software coding
In Metrics 99: Sixth International Symposium on Software Metrics,
pages 304-311, Boca Raton, Florida, November 4-6 1999.
- Nancy Staudenmayer, Todd
Graves, and Audris Mockus.
Adapting to a new environment: How a legacy software organization copes with
volatility and change.
In Academy of Management Chicago 1999 Conference, Chicago,
Illinois, August 1999.
- Stephen G. Eick, Audris
Mockus, Todd L. Graves, and Alan F. Karr.
A web laboratory for software
data analysis.
World Wide Web, 1(2):55-60, 1998.
- Todd L. Graves and Audris
Inferring change effort from configuration management
In Metrics 98: Fifth International Symposium on Software Metrics,
pages 267-273, Bethesda, Maryland, November 1998.
- Todd L. Graves and Audris
Inferring programmer effort from software databases.
In 22nd European Meeting of Statisticians and 7th Vilnius Conference on
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, page 334, Vilnius,
Lithuania, August 1998.
- T Graves, J Marron, A Mockus,
D Perry, H Siy, N Staudenmayer, and L Votta.
Adapting to a new environment: How a legacy software organization copes with
volatility and change.
Technical Report BL0113590-980630-07TM, Lucent Technologies, 1998.
- Audris Mockus.
Estimating dependencies from spatial averages.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7(4):501-513,
12 1998.
- Audris Mockus.
If software could talk: why changes are
made, 1998.
Fraunhoffer IESE, Kaiserslautern.
- Audris Mockus.
Inferring programmer effort from software change data, 1998.
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius.
- Audris Mockus.
Modeling software evolution, 1998.
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Audris Mockus.
Navigating aggregation spaces.
In IEEE Information Visualization Symposium 1998 Late Breaking Hot Topics
Proceedings, pages 29-32, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1998. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- Audris Mockus.
Role of change history in empirical studies of
software, 1998.
University of Karlsruhe.
- A Mockus and LG Votta.
Identifying reasons for software changes using historic databases.
Technical Report BL0113590-980410-04, Lucent Technologies, 1998.
- A. Mockus, J. Mockus, and
Bayesian heuristic approach (BHA) and applications
to discrete optimization.
Fields Institute Communications, 18:153-165, 1998.
- Audris Mockus, Adam
Porter, Harvey Siy, and Lawrence G. Votta.
Understanding the sources of
variation in software inspections.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 7(1),
January 1998.
- Nancy Staudenmayer,
Todd Graves, J. Steve Marron, Audris Mockus, Dewayne Perry, Harvey Siy, and
Lawrence Votta.
Adapting to a new environment: How a legacy software organization copes with
volatility and change.
In 5th International Product Development Management Conference,
Como, Italy, May 1998.
- SG Eick, TL Graves, AF Karr, and
A Mockus.
Web-based text visualization.
Technical Report BL0112590-961025-22TM, Lucent Technologies, 1997.
- Stephen G. Eick, Audris
Mockus, Todd L. Graves, and Alan F. Karr.
Web-based text visualization.
In Wolfgang Bandilla and Frank Faulbaum, editors, SoftStat '97 Advances
in Statistical Software 6, pages 3-10. Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart,
Germany, March 1997.
- Audris Mockus, Todd L.
Graves, and Alan F. Karr.
Modelling software changes.
In C.E. Minder and H. Friedl, editors, Good Statistical Practice,
pages 175-179. Austrian Statistical Society, Wien, Austria, July 1997.
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling,
- J. Mockus, W.F. Eddy,
A. Mockus, L. Mockus, and G. Reklaitis.
Bayesian Heuristic Approach to Discrete and Global Optimization.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997.
- Audris Mockus T. Ball, Stephen
G. Eick.
Web-based analysis of large-scale software
In ICSE '97 Workshop on Software Engineering (on) the World Wide
Web, Boston, MA, May 1997.
- W. F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
Dynamic visualization in modelling and
optimization of ill defined problems.
In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, State of the Art in Global
Optimization: computational methods and applications, pages 499-520.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
An interactive icon index: Images of the outer
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(1):100-111,
- W.F Eddy, M. Fitzgerald,
C. Genovese, and A. Mockus.
The challenge of functional magnetic
resonance imaging.
In Massive Data Sets, pages 39-45, Washington, D.C., 1996.
National Academy Press.
- W.F. Eddy, M. Fitzgerald,
C.R. Genovese, A. Mockus, and D.C. Noll.
Functional imaging analysis software - computational olio.
In A. Prat, editor, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, pages
39-49. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996.
- W.F. Eddy, A. Mockus, and
S. Oue.
single linkage cluster analysis of large data sets in spaces of high
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 23:29-43, 1996.
- A. Mockus, W.F. Eddy, S.Y.
Chang, and K.R. Thulborn.
Software for the visualization of fMRI data.
In it Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine Fourth Scientific Meeting and Exhibitionn, page 1774, 1996.
- Audris Mockus, Adam A. Porter,
Harvey P. Siy, and Lawrence G. Votta.
Understanding the sources of variation in software inspections.
Technical Report BL0112590-960416-12TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies,
Naperville, IL, April 1996.
- M. Behrmann, P.A.
Carpenter, S.Y. Chang, W.F. Eddy, J.S. Gillen, M.A. Just, T.A. Keller,
A. Mockus, T.A. Tasciyan, and K.R. Thulborn.
Test-retest reproducibility during fMRI studies: Primary visual and cognitive
In Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance, Third Scientific
Meeting, volume 2, page 843, 1995.
- W. F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
Discovering, describing, and understanding
spatial-temporal patterns of disease using dynamic graphics.
In Proceedings of the 25th Public Health Conference on Records and
Statistics, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, pages
14-17, 1995. Presentation.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
Visualizing spatial and temporal trends for the incidence of six diseases.
In Symposium on Statistical Methods 1995. Small Area Statistics in Public
Health, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995.
- M. Lavine and A. Mockus.
A nonparametric Bayes method for isotonic regression.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 46:235-248,
- A. Mockus.
Estimating dependencies from spatial averages.
In American Statistical Association: 1995 Proceedings of the Section on
Statistical Graphics, Orlando, Florida, August 1995.
- A. Mockus, J. Mockus, and
L. Mockus.
Discrete optimization, information based complexity, and Bayesian heuristics
In Proceedings of International Symposium on Operations Research with
Applications in Engineering Technology and Management (ISORA'95), August
19-22, Beijing, China, 1995.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
An example of the estimation and display of a
smoothly varying function of time and space - the incidence of mumps
Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
45(9):686-693, 1994.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
interactive image index.
In American Statistical Association: 1994 Proceedings of the Section on
Statistical Graphics, Toronto, Canada, 1994.
- A. Mockus.
Predicting a Space-Time Process from
Aggregate Data Exemplified by the Animation of Mumps Disease.
PhD thesis, 1994.
- A. Mockus, J. Mockus, and
L. Mockus.
Adapting stochastic and heuristic methods for discrete optimization problems.
Informatica, 5(1):123-166, 1994.
- A. Mockus, J. Mockus, and
L. Mockus.
Bayesian approach in stochastic and heuristic methods of global and discrete
In Abstracts, Second World Meeting, International Society for Bayesian
Analysis, pages 10-11, Alicante, Spain, 1994.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
An example of noninteractive dynamic graphics for the
visualization of manufacturing process data.
International Statistical Review, 61(1):81-95, 1993.
- W.F. Eddy and A. Mockus.
Noninteractive display of functions with temporal
and spatial variation (or surreal-time graphics).
In New Directions in Statistical Data Analysis and Robustness,
pages 47-60. Birkh auser Verlag, Basel, 1993.
- W.F. Eddy, M.M. Meyer,
A. Mockus, M.J. Schervish, K. Tan, and K. Viele.
Smoothing census adjustment factors - an application of high performance
In it Computing Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 24th
Symposium on the Interface, pages 503-510, 1992.
- A. Mockus and L. Mockus.
Designing software for global optimization.
Informatica, 1(1):71-88, 1990.
- Audris Mockus.
Evidence engineering.
Invited talk at Business Analytics Forum.
- Audris Mockus.
Towards evidence engineering.
Invited talk at Concordia University.
last updated Wed Dec 20 20:14:13 2023